Höjd: 49,5 cm,Bredd: 62,5 cm.
Gravyr. London. Printed for R. Sayer and J.Bennett No 33 Fleet Street, as the Act directs 21 March 1783.
Bild: Robert Dodd ( 1748 – 1815), gravyr: Francis Chesham (1749 – 1806).
Plate II. The Close of the Battle with the Setting Sun representing The Ville de Paris striking her Colors to the Barfleur; Admiral Lord Hood to whom this Plate is most respectfully Dedicated.
The ships in the distance represent part of the French Fleet retreating closely pursued by some of the British, till darkness put an end to the combat. The ship in the fire ground Dismisted is the Glorieux and in Possession. The ships to the left han… Le Caefar, Le Heeteur and Ardent in Possession Ec.